essay tutorials

Creating An Illustration Essay: 25 Great Writing Prompts

An illustration essay is actually the starting point for most essay writing. Whether you are trying to convince your reader through a persuasive essay, or highlight differences and similarities in a compare and contrast essay, or are simply writing to explore a topic, you will call on the basic building blocks of illustrating ideas with examples. We like to keep even these basics lively rather than simply regurgitating dry facts. So here are our writing prompts that will lead you to stimulating, edgy, illustrative essays.

  1. Workplaces routinely discriminate against women by promoting them to seniority less frequently, paying them less, and not supporting their roles as mothers.

  2. The right to carry concealed weapons has saved lives.

  3. Minimum drinking age laws reduce the rates of teenage alcohol abuse.

  4. Global temperatures are rising.

  5. The richest candidates win presidential elections.

  6. The legalisation of drugs reduces the rates of family abuse, homelessness, and violent crime.

  7. Austerity measures reduce gross domestic product and harm economies.

  8. Mega-retailers are driving smaller players out of business.

  9. The portrayal of violence on TV encourages violence in children.

  10. The police employ racial profiling against minorities to disproportionately target them for random searches, or consider them as suspects in violent crimes.

  11. It’s good to be king.

  12. Advances of science and technology always carry some harm.

  13. Mainstream media is demonstrating increasingly favourable portrayal of homosexuals.

  14. The rate of broken marriages is increasing, and has never been higher.

  15. Global stock markets are overvalued.

  16. Illegal immigrants contribute positively to society.

  17. Fathers make significant positive impacts in the development of children.

  18. Advanced nations have fewer children, smaller families, and declining rates of population growth.

  19. Drug abuse is common throughout all sports.

  20. People tend not to change their minds on emotive issues, even when faced with strong evidence that contradicts their views.

  21. Cultures strongly rooted in religion need fewer laws and have lower rates of crime.

  22. History is written by the victors.

  23. Where trade does not cross borders, armies surely have.

  24. Capitalism has become softer and gentler as it has aged, and would be unrecognisable to socialist and communist economists of old.

  25. As more women are educated in societies, fertility rates drop, and child literacy rates rise.