24 Compare And Contrast Essay Topics To Boost Your Creativity
Many experts say that the composition and most other forms of literary papers do in fact challenge the creativity of the writer on a level that few other academic exercises could accomplish. With this being said, one can now see how this type of assignment so densely populates the curriculum at their respected educational institute. For this very reason I have put together a list of twenty-four compare and contrast titles that could give you a much needed edge when in class. The list below was also designed to directly mirror the concept on education and the human developmental process outlined within my initial statements. Please try to complete all the essay topics at least once for best results
- Living in the mountains compared to living on the plains
- City life compared to country lifestyles
- The benefits of being a vegetarian over consuming flesh
- The joys of reading over the disappointment of movie going
- Homeschooling versus public schools
- The importance of Sam versus Bilbo in the Lord of the Rings
- How rap music has changed compared to the way it was two decades ago
- The consumption habits of humans in the 21st century compared to that of the 20th century
- The benefits of drinking coffee instead of a canned energy drink
- Natural building techniques versus industrial methods
- The differences between birds and dinosaurs
- Living in a tropical climate compared to those living in extremely cold places like Alaska.
- The main differences between frogs and lizards.
- The standards of living that exist in different communist countries compared to that of democratic societies
- Ways people in underdeveloped countries have adopted to living with limited resources compared to poor people in developed countries.
- The ways paper can be more useful as a building material than it is currently used today
- The similarities between religious practices and cultural ones that shows that they both stem from the same source.
- Why nuclear power is better than petroleum power in the long run.
- The differences in the way bats live and move compared to that of birds
- Why cats are better pets than dogs
- The downside of socializing using the internet instead of meeting people in person
- The benefits of group activities compared to solo ones
- The difference between people that know two or more languages and those that do not.
- Movie going versus reading a good book.