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Edwardian Era

The Edwardian Era began in 1901 to 1910 during the reign of King Edward VII. In retrospect, the era began in the 1880s through several social and political transformations and ended with the beginning of the First World War. The era is a remarkable period in the history of Great Britain since it marked the end of the Victorian Era and its views and habits. Several distinct aspects denote the Edwardian Era and -

One of the major changes was the social and political relief and anticipation of the future for the British following the death of Queen Victoria. King Edward VII was a transformational leader for the nation as he was more popular with the people. He also was responsible for spearheading England’s image transformation, extravaganza status, glamour, and wealth among the European nations. For this reason, the idle rich during this era occupied their time with weekend parties and trips. Moreover, with the introduction of the motor car, these trips were sign of social status as they became the new fashion accessory for the wealthy. Other social pass time activities that emerged include leisure drink leading to an increase in the number of pubs. This also included the expansion of the coffee-house and temperance movement as more people favored the open social gatherings. In addition, positive changes like a decline in birth rate as people opted to raise smaller families leading to a general improvement of public health. Public health concerns also arose from the improvements in medicine, housing, and hygiene, which reduced the infant mortality rates and increased life expectancy. Apart from changes in social practices, the political arena saw major changes too. These included the increase in the demand for more political power marginalized groups in the Victorian Era, especially women and laborers. This is because the Edwardian Era emphasized the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. The fight for more equal rights, social and political recognition during this period marked the beginning of the 20th century revolution in the English society.

In conclusion, the Edwardian Era is seen as a transition from the bourgeoisie Victorian Era to the modern English society. This is indicated by the transformational leadership of King Edward VII, fight for equal rights for the marginalized groups including women and laborers. The era is remarkable for the improvement of life from innovation in medicine and hygiene.