Composing A Solid Essay On Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure
There are many different topics that you can write about when composing an academic paper. For example, you might choose to discuss why prevention is better than cure. If this is the case, then you will generally be writing in an argumentative or persuasive style; however, it is still potentially possible that you could use a compare and contrast style - so as to look at differences between prevention and cure - as well as a range of other styles.
Whether you are using an argumentative style or another approach to the work, you will need to perform a great deal of research, so as to ensure that you have enough relevant information and facts to back up what you’re saying – and, of course, the research that you will do very much depend upon the topic that you have chosen to discuss.
Choosing a topic
To ensure that your work is of a high standard, you should choose a relevant topic that you will be comfortable writing about. For example, you may wish to write about why prevention is better than the cure in relation to various medical problems. For example, you may wish to talk about why vaccination is better rather than trying to treat people with illnesses and medical conditions; alternatively, you may wish to look at things from a very different point of view, in that you may wish to discuss why preventing crimes is better than trying to solve them and punish offenders.
Planning what to do
The research stage is very important; however, equally important is the planning of your work. When planning your work, you will need to choose which methods you will use to gather any relevant information. You will also need to decide which sections you want to write about as part of your work, as well as any relevant details that you wish to include.
What to do once you are ready to start writing
Once you have enough information to get started, you will be ready to begin the first draft. It is best to simply try and get anything written down on paper, which you can later change, or even cut out of your work altogether during subsequent drafts. Once you have written the final draft, you will need to proofread and edit your work or, alternatively, pay someone to do this for you.