essay tutorials

Where To Search For Free Essay Samples For College

College essay samples give a unique insight into your academic, communication and writing ability. They are a tool to make a great impression on whoever is reading them. In order to put your best foot forward, it is important that before you start writing, you plan thoroughly ahead. This process will include researching your topic to write on and finding samples so you know how to go about writing a great piece.

Here is a list of resources that will go a long way towards helping you find the examples you are looking for:

  1. Decide on the topic
  2. If the piece you are writing is for an admissions application or is for a class, the topic may already have been assigned to you. If finding the topic has been left to you, you will need to find one that excites you. To help you get started, here are a few great topics:

    • Me as a microcosm of the world.
    • Is adventure a necessity for a life fulfilled?
    • What it is like to be as a non-sports fan in a sports mad country.
    • There is no limit to my imagination and here is the proof.
    • Writing is a science, not an art.
    • Food is for enjoyment and not critique: Why I would never become a food critic.
    • Sportsmen and the burden of expectation: What I imagine life must be like for Lionel Messi.
    • Some plumbers earn a six figure income. Is college education really a necessity?
  3. Search the internet
  4. Everyone who is anyone, especially those who write, will find a way to put their work on the internet for everyone to see. This is true of essay writers too. The internet is full of examples of brilliantly written samples of works. Use one of the popular public search engines with suitable terms and you will find what you are looking for. Take the time to find out how to use search terms and keywords and the great and relevant search results will reflect the time spent learning.

  5. Look in the library
  6. Your school or university library or even public libraries have a great deal of resources available to you for research. Knowing your area of interest, use the library database to search for suitable papers and even self-help books to show you how to write and you will be well on your way towards writing a great piece.