essay tutorials

A Simple Essay Writing Tutorial for Dummies

So why are students having to write so many essays in an academic year? They present a good opportunity for the kids to show their writing skills in the thinking and analytical field. It is very important for them to be able to write a good essay on a good topic. This can affect how likely a student is to get into college and succeed. Here are some of the best tips to writing a great essay:

  • Stage 1 – Interest: Anyone who has ever been able to write a good essay can tell you that they probably wrote on a topic that they had an intense interest in. The topic should generally be one that you will have a significant amount of fun writing and the reader will enjoy as well.
  • Stage 2 – Familiarity: Pick a topic that you are somewhat familiar with. If you are good at physics, don’t write about biology. Play to your strengths. This will come across in your writing. This is true if your skills are in any field. Speak with authority on your own field and the fields that are closely related to that one. You will, as a result of this, also have to generally spend less time researching your topic than you would otherwise have to do.
  • Stage 3 – It should be manageable: You want to ensure you can cover the topic in the number of pages that were assigned.
  • Stage 4 – Interesting: Find a topic that is interesting to you and that will be of some interest to your reader as well. As stated before, it needs to be something you love and something that you are familiar with. Since you want to have a good time while writing the essay, pick a topic that you are actually interested in. If you want to write about a religion, pick one that you care about. Another aspect of this is the tweaking of a topic that has been previously covered. A topic on climate change is going to be something that has been covered many times in the past. It is up to you to write a new one in such a way that you can add a new dimension and a new view onto the current literature. Take your time and focus on all of these things and you will both have fun and write a great essay.