A Manual for Composing Good Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students
Composing a persuasive essay takes skill. There are certain things that a student must do in order to make the piece successful. Here is a series of steps that the student need to take to create an excellent essay.
- Pick a great topic.
Having a topic that is current, objective and relevant is really great for a persuasive argument. The topic needs to be something that catches the readers attention.
- Choose a subject that you are passionate about.
If the student doesn’t feel passionate about the topic then they won’t be able to really throw themselves into the work. They need to want to write the paper, and having a topic they love can really do that for them.
- Research subject thoroughly.
In order for the student to have a completed and organized essay, the topic needs to be researched very well. It’s really important that the student know all sides of the subject /topic and that they can speak on the topic with authority. If they can’t acknowledge the issues they are arguing against, then they can’t show they have a well formed point.
- Write an introduction.
The introduction must be something that the student takes time with. They have to show their topic and their stance on the topic in the introduction.
- Create a body with a structure.
Using a structure is key for the student. The body needs to show all the points of why they are the way they are. The student needs to explain their argument works.
- Include transitions between points.
The essay has to be organized, and if the student works on a structure then they will be able to transition from point to point. Do so with transitions will make the flow go easier.
- Conclude the essay.
Conclusions can be tricky because if the student doesn’t finish the essay strong, then they can lose the audience. Having their attention is one of your goals.
- Edit, proofread, then edit again.
Editing is the key to catching all the mistakes and errors in the paper. Reading the paper aloud will really help catch the little errors that look right, but aren’t. Sending the paper through various cycles of editing is good because each time the student can catch something that you have previously missed.
- Turn it in.
This is the final step in any paper. In order to do this the student has to know that their paper was completed and will be well perceived.
These steps are what it takes to create a persuasive essay that will be a success for the student.