essay tutorials

A List Of Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics For Year 7 Students

Are you worried because you want to compose a winning persuasive essay for your school or college?

A persuasive assignment requires the students to develop a certain stance on the given subject and choose a valid topic to present their ideas. The writer of this paper should be able to convince his audience of the ideas and opinions he presents in his paper. You need to be able to convince your audience with the help of logical data, factual evidence, and concrete examples, that your paper is right and you are supporting the right stance. A large group of people may agree or disagree to your ideas depending upon their beliefs and perceptions but you do not have to worry about that. It is normal for people to have different opinions about an argument and the only way you can create a persuasive assignment

The important point you need to consider at this point is the topic that you will choose for such a paper. Sometimes you will have enough ideas to include in your paper but will not be sure where to start or how to include these ideas in your paper. Some students lack the skill of summarizing the overall scope of their assignment in one sentence. A major struggle for most of the students is to choose a title, which is able to hook the audience in your assignment and want them interested in knowing more about your project. The topic of your paper is a critical thing about your writing process because it decides much about your assignment. You may have to add or improve the topic in the later stage depending upon the scope of your paper and the direction of the assignment. You need to make sure that the topic you choose for your assignment is fresh and unique. Avoid talking about a topic that is obsolete or over dragged and come up with fresh ideas to write the paper

Here is a list of ideas and suggestions you can keep in mind for writing your paper for 7th grade

Persuasive essay topics for 7th grade students

  1. The role of finances is huge in happy marriages
  2. Love should be the sole criteria for selecting a life partner
  3. Money cannot buy everything in the world
  4. Life is not a tough job
  5. Religion promotes oppression of women