How to find a plagiarism-free essay sample easily
If you want inspiration for your essay it might be useful to find a plagiarism-free essay sample and review it. The more you read essay samples the better acquainted you will become with the styles required for your particular essay and the various topics. You can also expose yourself to different vocabulary and sentence structures that might be helpful when writing.
Once you have reviewed a handful of examples you might explore some example topics for further inspiration. You can write on any number of topics that fit within the parameters of your project requirements. Consider the following examples:
- Explore how life for Muslim Americans changed after September 11
- Discuss whether men and women communicate differently with their body language and why this would matter in the workplace versus dating
- Discuss whether limitations should be placed on paparazzi?
- Evaluate what would take place if the demand for natural resources became greater than the supply of natural resources
Review these topics and see if any of them inspire you. Perhaps you can start researching one of them (so long as it suits the project at hand) and find a better or more poignant thesis.
After you have done this you want to get yourself organized. Start by creating or downloading a template for your final piece. You will save yourself a lot of time and effort down the road if you get organized at the start. Save a separate document for your final template as well as your references and your outline.
Keep a separate “Recycle” file for any paragraphs you want to delete. Instead of deleting them you should add them to this file. You might be able to reuse your thoughts in another area of your paper later.
After this your goal is to structure each chapter or section.
For example: your introduction section should include the thesis as well as what will be included in every subsequent section and why your research is important.
Conduct thorough research on the topic using all of your available resources including your school library. Do not forget to create a reference page as you go and take notes on important information or quotes you want to integrate into your final paper. Create an outline. Try free writing for inspiration if you get stuck. Once you are done writing a draft review it for cohesion and turn it into a final paper you are proud of!