essay tutorials

How to Find Descriptions of Essay Types Online for Free

When you are in middle school, high school, college, or graduate school, one of your primary assignments for most every course will be to write an essay. English classes require these often and this is why, most English 1 and 2 freshmen courses try to expose you to a large array of essay types so that you can master them early on. When you reach the college level, you will be asked to write essays in nearly every topic, and this tendency will increase the higher you go in your education. In graduate school math courses at the Master’s level, for example, you won’t be asked to do “math homework” so much as to research different math formulas and to develop your own thesis about advanced math theories. At the doctorate level in math, you will begin striving to device your own theories and formulas that might help businesses, engineers, and sciences to better perform their jobs.

Therefore, English essays of all types will be important from the fourth grade and beyond. When you are striving to find different types of essays online, it is best to be able to perform very specific terms for the types of guidance and samples you are seeking. For example, you might search for “Five Paragraph Essay Examples” or “Research Essay Examples” or “Examples of a Scientific Research Paper with Sources in APA Format.”

I’m going to discuss common terms for types of essays so that you can find information about them and examples of them on the web and be able to master virtually any writing challenge.

The five paragraph essay—one of the first forms of essay you will be exposed to. It’s typically only 1 and ½ pages long, if that long, and is comprised of a thesis paragraph, three evidence paragraphs, and a closing.

Then there are all the different specific types of your longer 4-5 page freshmen composition essay. These include but are not limited to

  • The Comparison and Contrast Essay
  • The Analyze an Argument Essay
  • The Personal/Reflective Essay
  • The Persuasive Essay
  • The Take a Stand Essay
  • The Analyze and Issue Essay
  • The Problem and Solution Essay
  • The Argumentative Essay

At the college level, you will be asked to write extended essays for all types of courses. These are typically called APA or MLA style research papers/essays and in these you will be expected to assert a thesis on some topic you believe in strongly and then seek to prove this theory by the support of researchers in that field. You will have to document all sources and have a works cited page of any source use.

Consult Google or Google scholar for all these terms to find handouts, helpful videos, PowerPoints, sample essays, and more.